Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Low calorie diet for Diabetes Type B Patient?

July is really a busy month, we should all take good care of our own health on the meanwhile of huge workload. Here is a recent article I read and found interesting. Scientists at UK's Newcastle University revealed that type B diabetes condition could be reversed by following an extreme low-calorie diet. They claim that this finding can transforms our thinking on the disease. Eleven people took part in a clinical trial reversed their diabetes by cutting their food intake to 600 calories a day for two months, and seven remained free of diabetes three months later.

Professor Roy Taylor, who led the study. "This is a radical change in understanding type 2 diabetes.

Type B diabetes is caused by an excess of glucose in the blood that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. This research aims to remove fat which was clogging up the pancreas, allowing normal insulin secretion to resume. They believe about type B diabetes is all about energy balance in our body.

I found their research interesting and may change our thought on treating diabetes type B patients. But, I do have questions regard this research such as how can we assure patient's determination on having an extreme low calorie diet?, how this method can 100% works in others population? I am looking forward to their next result with a larger clinical trial. Cheers.



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