I am happy to receive some readers feedback on my recent calcium topic. There might be people dislike drinking milk or unable to tolerate with milk due to lactose intolerance. Hereby, I suggest you can take other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese to top up your calcium intake. For example, a slice of cheddar cheese with around 60 Kcal is able to provide 240mg calcium but it depends on different brand and milk content during cheese processing. Cheese and yogurt contain less lactose should be well tolerated for those who have lactose intolerance. With 2 slices of cheedar cheese, you will achieve 1/2 serving of protein and get 480mg calcium which is equivalent to 48% of calcium requirement. Once again, the symptoms of lactose intolerance could be abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or nausea, you can have a try on chocolate or others flavour added milk for easy toleration. Else, it is suggested you can start enjoy half glass of milk together with some biscuits or bread rather than just drinks it.
For a cup of low fat yogurt with 139 Kcal can provide you 196mg calcium. The live culture of probiotic is well tolerated. Thus, for those who really don’t like the milk taste, yogurt is a wise choice for you to top up calcium intake.
有读者询问可能他们不喜欢牛奶的味道或有乳糖不耐症。在这里,建议你可以摄取其他乳制品,如酸奶和奶酪,以补足钙的摄入量。例如,一片约60卡路里的奶酪能提供240mg的钙,这取决于不同品牌和牛奶含量。奶酪和酸奶,含有较少的乳糖, 比较适合乳糖不耐症。只要2片奶酪就能提供蛋白质和480mg的钙,这提供了我们48%钙一天的需要量。如果你只是轻微的腹部不适,腹泻或恶心,你可以尝试巧克力添加的牛奶。否则,建议你开始适应仅仅半杯牛奶混合一些饼干或面包一起。